Checking in...
It's been almost three months since I launched this site in the wake of Nora Bateson's charge that developmental stage theories are colonialist BS. Throughout that time I've been trying to fully articulate my ideas of a cyclical, non-teleological approach to the patterns seen in stage theories.

It's been just over three months since I launched this site in the wake of Nora Bateson's charge that developmental stage theories are colonialist BS. Throughout that time I've been trying to fully articulate my ideas of a cyclical, non-teleological approach to the patterns seen in stage theories. So far a definitive formulation has eluded me, but some recent developments have me ready to give it another try.
Life has gotten in the way of things, though, as it does. For example, I discovered mold on the boxes holding my long-neglected comic book collection, so the picture on this post is of me halfway through reboxing literally everything. To tide you over until I can get back to working on Gravesian theory and my Ways of Being, here are some updates on what I've been doing recently.